Items Tagged with 'tractorhouse'



One Career, Two Chapters & Endless Adaptation

George Annen of Annen’s Machinery Ranch in Arlington, Wis., reflects on the digital transition that shaped his career, sharing the benefits, pitfalls and lessons learned trading used equipment in the modern age.
There was once a simpler time in the career of George Annen, a used equipment specialist and owner of Annen’s Machinery Ranch Inc. in Arlington, Wis. A typical day before the internet started with a freshly-brewed pot of coffee, a trip to the convenience store to process tractor photos taken on a film camera, mailing them overnight to a set of interested buyers and preparing for a sales trip the next day if the phone rang.
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One Career, Two Chapters and Endless Adaptation

George Annen of Annen’s Machinery Ranch in Arlington, Wis., reflects on the digital transition that shaped his career, sharing the benefits, pitfalls and lessons learned trading used equipment in the modern age.
George Annen of Annen’s Machinery Ranch in Arlington, Wis., reflects on the digital transition that shaped his career, sharing the benefits, pitfalls and lessons learned trading used equipment in the modern age.
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Dealer Operations Report

Stretching Your Reach With Digital Marketing Tools

Reps from 6 digital marketing platforms discuss how technology is improving how dealers market used equipment in a digital world.
Never have more tools been available to accurately value and sell used equipment while farmers’ online shopping habits continue to grow at a rapid pace. At the 2017 Dealership Minds Summit, five representatives of six marketing entities shared successful techniques that their clients are using to increase used inventory turns.
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Dealer Operations Report

Used Farm Equipment Digital Marketing Proven Practices / Expert Techniques

Representatives from Tractor House, Iron Solutions, Fastline, Iron Connect, Machinery Pete and Auction Time provide case study examples of how technology is helping market used equipment in a digital world.
Representatives from Tractor House, Iron Solutions, Fastline, Iron Connect, Machinery Pete and Auction Time provide case study examples of how technology is helping market used equipment in a digital world.
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ROUNDTABLE: Valuation Data Sources: What, Who & Why?

Due to the number of attendees that preregistered for this topic, the “Valuation Data Sources: What, Who & Why?” roundtable was held both days of the Dealership Minds Summit – Roadmap to Mastering Equipment Remarketing. The majority of dealers attending this session were looking for better tools to use when placing a value on used equipment and trade-ins. One dealer said, “It is an inefficient marketplace, the information is bad. How do we get better information?”
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Are You Playing Football or Baseball With Your Trades?

Forrester Equipment & Butler Machinery share their approaches to bringing discipline into the valuation process for used machinery.
Every dealership has its own unique way of dealing with trades. Some are aggressively pursuing acquisition of used equipment, viewing it as a profit source, and dealing in high volumes. That tendency usually goes with being in a non-row-crop area with smaller equipment and less risk of making mistakes.
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