Farm Equipment

January 2015 cover

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January 2015 Showcase

Volume: 53
Edition: 1

Best Speciality Products Showcase

PLUS: A customer relationship management special report and more!

  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents


    To The Point: Fewer Chances Requires Better Performance

    With NCAA basketball now in full swing, you’ve likely heard about the “points per possession” measurement of a team’s offensive performance. It’s used by coaches whose style is to methodically work a game plan for the highest-odds scoring opportunity. Unlike the frenetic pace of a “run and gun” offense, the idea is not to discover “more” chances, but to make those presented to you count.
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    Special Report: Leading-Edge Industry Says CRM is Your MVP

    A look at customer intelligence & CRM use in leading industries like auto retailing illustrates the opportunities ahead for progressive ag equipment dealers.
    Farm Equipment set out on a first-ever project to highlight what’s coming tomorrow by sharing what’s possible today. To do so, the perspective of a dealer with first-hand daily knowledge of current state of affairs in operations behaviors and computer systems was needed. So instead of assigning this project to one of our staff reporters, Farm Equipment sent a dealer veteran to attend the 2014 Digital Dealer Conference. Held in Las Vegas last fall, the event is the leading conference for digital strategy marketing for auto dealers. He was likely the only farm equipment marketer in a crowd of automotive digital marketing and IT talent.
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    Customer Intelligence Special Report: CRM

    What Exactly is CRM?

    Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is a broad term that refers to the tools used to store detailed information about current and prospective customers to enable targeted communication with them. In today’s business world, the acronym commonly refers to the software system where that data is accumulated.
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    Customer Intelligence Special Report: CRM

    Recognizing the 'Zero Moment of Truth'

    The marketing environment has radically evolved in all industries with the advent of the Internet. Because the changes were more abrupt and well defined on the customer side of the equation, many dealers may not fully understand what has transpired over the last decade.
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    Customer Intelligence Special Report: CRM

    Predictive Analytics — Applicable to Farm Equipment Dealerships?

    A large industry is evolving that is attempting to collect and analyze data to predict and expand future sales. It’s not just in the car business, but in almost every major industry. That’s because technology now exists to anonymously track the Internet habits of millions of customers. By combining this with what is already known about the average buying habits of consumers and utilizing CRM tools, targeted marketing programs can be sent to likely customers early in the purchasing process.
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    Technology for Profit

    What is CRM and Why Should You Care?

    CRM means Customer Relationship Management. The short answer to why you should care is that your future success may depend on if and how you implement CRM. Retail, your business, the business of selling and serving end users, is very competitive. Long term success often depends on doing a lot of little things right. Selling and servicing farm equipment is no different than any other industry where CRM is now a standard practice. But our industry is just starting to learn about its benefits of and to use CRM successfully.
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    Technology for Profit: 10 Things to Ask Your Business System Supplier

    This column will provide you with questions you need to ask the business software provider(s) about the future capabilities of the system you use to run your dealership. These questions are not unreasonable because all of the capabilities discussed are already available in some form in farm equipment dealerships today. So to use a trite but true statement, “The future is now!”
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    Business of Selling: Dominating the Market

    A year ago I wrote a column entitled Gathering Storm Clouds. That was followed up by last month’s column articulating the nine steps that should be undertaken during the turbulent times that lie ahead for equipment dealers. While some may be too timid to call a war a war, make no mistake about it, what equipment dealers will experience over the next 5 years will be a “war of attrition.”
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  • Featured Articles

    Featured Articles

    Technology for Profit: 10 Things to Ask Your Business System Supplier

    This column will provide you with questions you need to ask the business software provider(s) about the future capabilities of the system you use to run your dealership. These questions are not unreasonable because all of the capabilities discussed are already available in some form in farm equipment dealerships today. So to use a trite but true statement, “The future is now!”
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    To The Point: Fewer Chances Requires Better Performance

    With NCAA basketball now in full swing, you’ve likely heard about the “points per possession” measurement of a team’s offensive performance. It’s used by coaches whose style is to methodically work a game plan for the highest-odds scoring opportunity. Unlike the frenetic pace of a “run and gun” offense, the idea is not to discover “more” chances, but to make those presented to you count.
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    Special Report: Leading-Edge Industry Says CRM is Your MVP

    A look at customer intelligence & CRM use in leading industries like auto retailing illustrates the opportunities ahead for progressive ag equipment dealers.
    Farm Equipment set out on a first-ever project to highlight what’s coming tomorrow by sharing what’s possible today. To do so, the perspective of a dealer with first-hand daily knowledge of current state of affairs in operations behaviors and computer systems was needed. So instead of assigning this project to one of our staff reporters, Farm Equipment sent a dealer veteran to attend the 2014 Digital Dealer Conference. Held in Las Vegas last fall, the event is the leading conference for digital strategy marketing for auto dealers. He was likely the only farm equipment marketer in a crowd of automotive digital marketing and IT talent.
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  • Online Extras

    Online Extras

    Online Extras: January 2015 Issue

    Web-exclusive content for this issue includes:

    • The future of dealer web sites and dealership marketing
    • Tips for having a good customer relationship management system
    • Additional responses from this months Industry: Q&A

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