Items Tagged with 'dealer'



Brand Loyalty Part 3: Farmers & Dealers Differ on the Direction of Brand Loyalty

Most dealers suggest a decrease in manufacturer commitment within their customer base, which can help or hinder business to an unprecedented degree.
In addition to surveying farmers, dealers were called to share their perceptions on brand loyalty, and similar to Farm Equipment’s 2014 results on the same topic, dealers and farmers disagreed more often than not on the level of customer loyalty to a specific manufacturer.
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Flaman shortlines
Sponsored Content: Success in Shortline Machinery

Traditional Dealerships Setting Up Separate Entities to Sell Shortline Equipment

A mainline dealer whose shortline business is critical to success sets up a separate location to quiet the major about the competitive attention at the primary location. The idea has also been talked about as a hedge move to protect a dealership whose contract or future transition of that contract could be questionable.
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Sponsored Content: Success in Shortline Machinery

Succeeding as a Shortline Dealer: The Ultimate Wake-Up Call

Based on the experience of shortline dealers across the country, being cancelled by a major doesn't have to be the death knell of your business.
Based on the experience of shortline dealers across the country, being cancelled by a major doesn't have to be the death knell of your business.
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