Randy Amosson says a bad day for him would be losing one of Precision Equipment’s “key people.”

The CEO and general manager of the newly formed eight-store dealership group says, “We know we have good competition with good products, and we respect them. But I believe what sets us apart is our key people. We base everything we do as an organization on having the best people in the right spots.

“Our secret ingredient is our people. It doesn’t happen very often, but I hate it when we lose good people.”

What are his criteria for a “key” person?

“Frankly, I consider anyone who’s contributing as key to our success,” he says.

And what sets one employee off from another is “passion,” according to Amosson. “For me it’ll always be passion and willingness to change and to really focus in on the job and teamwork. These type of people look at their job as a ‘lifestyle,” he explains. “These type of people have drive and dedication and want to be part of something big.

“For them, this business is a lifestyle, where their workday doesn’t have a certain starting and ending time. They want and take ownership of their responsibilities and understand why we need to do the things we do.”

Amosson says they look for this in the people they recruit. “If they don’t have passion for their work, that’s a problem,” he says. “We spend a lot of time on our recruiting and retention process. In the long run, it’s the type of people we hire that will take us over the top.”

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