NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A new website,, has been launched to help growers, tire dealers and equipment dealers understand the growing complexity in ag tires and obtain essential information they need to more effectively run their business.
A free service for all users, Ag Tire Talk will help save time and money by providing a central repository of information on ag tires, covering everything from basic to advanced, with all the latest developments . . . as opposed to searching through a wide array of sources to obtain bits and pieces of information.
“With ag tires becoming increasingly complex, we saw a need to simplify, or take the engineering jargon out,” said Ag Tire Talk founder James Tuschner, “Our research found that many of the ag tire questions being asked on Internet were being answered from sources outside the industry.”
A 23-year tire industry veteran, Tuschner is the marketing director for CFI Tire Service and has been dedicated to the ag tire business for the past eight years.
Ag Tire Talk users will learn how choosing the right tires will lead to better performance, ride, traction and yields, while covering such critical issues as flotation, fuel economy, sidewall identification and tire size options.
An blog explains why ag tires have become increasingly sophisticated and application-specific to handle soil compaction issues, larger tractors and implements, higher equipment speeds and prolonged road service.
The website provides an opportunity for growers and dealers to submit questions to tire industry experts and share tips and advice with their peers.
“What truly makes Ag Tire Talk unique and sets it apart is that it's immune from promoting specific products due to a vested interest,” Tuschner explained. “At Ag Tire Talk, we simply want the grower to have the best product for the application.”
Social media – primarily Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google+ – will play a key role in building awareness with growers and dealers that there is now a single, comprehensive resource for their ag tire questions. Social media support will be provided by Christine and John Taylor of JTMarCom, a Nashville-based marketing agency specializing in the tire industry. The Ag Tire Talk team has more than 68 years combined experience in the tire industry.
Examples of current blog topics on include:
- What are IF and VF ag tires and how do they effect yields? This blog post explains how these tires can contribute to better traction, better flotation and reduced fuel consumption.
- The basic premise of improving yields with ag tires by fully disbursing the weight of the equipment, thus reducing tire ground pressure and thereby decreasing soil compaction.
- Understanding tire aspect ratios and how to choose the best tire for a specific application. For instance, some growers prefer lower sidewall tires for sprayer applications to eliminate road lope associated with high speed roading.
- What is a flat plate measurement and how does it affect flotation, traction and yield? This post explains how flat plate measurement is useful in comparing tire contact patches.
New blog posts are being added on a regular basis. Ag Tire Talk also includes a comprehensive glossary of commonly used terms and definitions.
“Our mission is pretty straightforward -- provide one easy way to access ag tire information, ask questions and receive industry updates from an unbiased view,” Tuschner said. “We encourage growers, tire dealers and implement dealers to check out our content and ask questions.”
For more information about Ag Tire Talk, send an email to