Articles by George Russell

George Russell
Technology for Profit

What is CRM and Why Should You Care?

CRM means Customer Relationship Management. The short answer to why you should care is that your future success may depend on if and how you implement CRM. Retail, your business, the business of selling and serving end users, is very competitive. Long term success often depends on doing a lot of little things right. Selling and servicing farm equipment is no different than any other industry where CRM is now a standard practice. But our industry is just starting to learn about its benefits of and to use CRM successfully.
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Technology for Profit

What is CRM and Why Should You Care?

CRM means Customer Relationship Management. The short answer to why you should care is that your future success may depend on if and how you implement CRM. Retail, your business, the business of selling and serving end users, is very competitive. Long term success often depends on doing a lot of little things right. Selling and servicing farm equipment is no different than any other industry where CRM is now a standard practice. But our industry is just starting to learn about its benefits of and to use CRM successfully.
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George Russell
Technology for Profit

Reviewing What We've Covered So Far

As a regular columnist, or writer at any level, you cannot help but wonder if you're hitting the mark with your readers. I've heard from and spoke with enough dealers since I started writing this column for Farm Equipment in early 2009 to believe that the topic areas in this column are generally on the mark. So it was nice to find out that one of my columns from last year ranked as the second most highly read stories on in 2012.
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Technology for Profit

Reviewing What We've Covered So Far

As a regular columnist, or writer at any level, you cannot help but wonder if you're hitting the mark with your readers. I've heard from and spoke with enough dealers since I started writing this column for Farm Equipment in early 2009 to believe that the topic areas in this column are generally on the mark. So it was nice to find out that one of my columns from last year ranked as the second most highly read stories on in 2012.
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George Russell
Technology for Profit

Make Your DBS More Productive

Farm equipment dealers, like most computer software and hardware users, use only a small portion of the features built into the systems they work with every day. Studies show users utilize only about 30% of the available features in many systems at the top of the range and as little as 10% of the built-in features are exploited by any one user. This low utilization rate is the same whether it's a dealer business system (DBS) or a general computer application like Microsoft Word.
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Technology for Profit: Make Your DBS More Productive

Farm equipment dealers, like most computer software and hardware users, use only a small portion of the features built into the systems they work with every day. Studies show users utilize only about 30% of the available features in many systems at the top of the range and as little as 10% of the built-in features are exploited by any one user. This low utilization rate is the same whether it's a dealer business system (DBS) or a general computer application like Microsoft Word.
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