A small percentage of U.S. corn acres are reported to be silking (6%) and soybean acres blooming (9%), according to USDA’s Crop Progress report for June 27. Both are about on track with their progress from one year ago and the 5-year average.
In terms of crop conditions, 75% of corn is said to be in “good” (60%) or “excellent” (15%) shape. This compares to 75% for the week before and 68% last year at this time.
USDA is also reporting that 95% of soybeans have emerged, up from 89% a week earlier and 88% a year ago. It’s also up compared to the 5-year average of 91% emerged on this date.
Some 72% of soybeans are reported in “good” (60%) or “excellent” (12%) condition. This is down slightly from a week earlier (73%), but up vs. last year (63%).