The condition of the corn and soybeans changed very little the past few weeks and the progress of both crops are on track vs. the 5-year average.

USDA is reporting that as of Aug. 20, the condition of this year’s corn crop was 62% “good” (49%) and “excellent” (13%). With some minor shifting, this represents no change from the previous week, but well behind last year for this date. A year ago, the condition of corn acres was 75% “good” (54%) and “excellent” (21%).

As far as progress is concerned, 76% of the corn crop is in the “dough” stage as of last Sunday. This compares with 61% the previous week and 83% a year ago. The 5-year average is 77% dough for this date. USDA also reported that 29% of the crop is “dented” vs. 16% a week earlier and 37% a year ago. The 5-year average is 35%.

This year’s soybean crop is rated as 60% “good” (50%) and “excellent” (10%). This compares to 59% last week that was rated “good” (49%) and “excellent” (10%). A year ago, 72% was rated as “good” (54%) and “excellent” (18%).

As of Aug. 20, 97% of soybeans were “blooming.” This compares with 98% a year ago and the 5-year average of 97%. Soybeans “setting pods” are reported at 87% vs. 88% last year on this date and the 5-year average of 85%.