Pöttinger's MERGENTO is designed for alfalfa, clover and a wide variety of crops from permanent grassland to straw.
>MERGENTO the forage using the pick-up. Meanwhile, dirt and stones remain on the ground. Without further contact with the ground, cross conveyor belts transport the forage to the swath. Especially with leafy, dry crops, the Pöttinger merger minimizes disintegration losses because the forage is not raked across the ground. The overall result is more energy, more crude protein and less crude ash in the forage.
The direction of rotation and the position of the two cross conveyor belts can be adjusted from the comfort of the tractor cab. Depending on the shape of the field, the volume of forage and the follow-up harvesting machine, the MERGENTO VT 9220 can place a center swath, swaths to the left or right, two single swaths, convey from the inside out and even load forage for a short period.
Learn more at www.Poettinger.at/.
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