The Stubble Cruncher from Mandako helps speed up the decomposition process of leftover residue after harvest by “crunching” the residue into the ground. It is useful for chopping up corn stalks, breaking down canola stubble or incorporating cover crop. The Stubble Cruncher features 4-inch bolts on blades, a 3-inch drum shaft, 12-foot transport width and automatic fold.
Mandako says the idea for the Stubble Cruncher came from BP Imports, Mandako’s Australian distributor. They had seen a machine in their country that was being used after harvest on Canola crops to push over the plant stock, crush it and pin it into the soil. This speeds up the decomposition of the plant material by having it come into contact with the soil so the soil enzymes can begin the breakdown process, while still having the plant material attached to the soil to prevent erosion.
With the Stubble Cruncher, this breakdown process can be done at relatively high speeds. With BP's prompting, Mandako took its heavy duty land roller and adapted it with a new style of drum with blades attached.
BP Imports has taken delivery of a 40 foot Stubble Cruncher and will be using it this season. Mandako says when the machine was recently used on Kroeker Farms, a local organic grower who asked to use the machine to incorporate a heavy cover crop of peas and oats, the machine worked well to put down the crop so it could be incorporated with a disc.
Mandako says it also has some farmers looking at using the Stubble Cruncher following corn harvest. By rolling the corn stalk after harvest, the stalks can be crunched, helping it to decompose faster as well as loosen the root ball. It also lays the stock down in one direction so it can be cut more effectively.
A side benefit of rolling is the reduction of tire punctures caused by pushing over the sharp standing stalks that often damage tires.
The first model of the Stalk Cruncher is 40 feet wide and requires 170 horsepower to pull it 7-10 mph in soft sandy soils. The machine weighs approximately 500 pounds per foot with no ballast.
For more information on this and other Mandako products, visit