Rabo AgriFinance (RAF), a leading provider of financial services for agricultural producers and agribusiness in the United States, has established two new regions and promoted several executives.
"In a time when many organizations are at a standstill, we are positioning ourselves for long-term growth," said RAF President and CEO John Ryan. "Our new regions and enhanced structure will help us become the premier ag lender in the U.S."
RAF's South Central Region has been split into two regions. The new Central Region will be managed out of the Wichita, KS, office by Managing Director Van Dewey, who was recently promoted. Managing Director John Johnson, who was also recently promoted, will lead the new Southeast Region out of RAF's Memphis, TN, office.
To manage this new structure, Brian Newcomer was appointed to the newly created position of Executive Vice President of Business Development. He will help guide RAF's strategic vision, lead the national sales force, and coordinate activities in the organization's geographic regions. In doing so, he will work closely with the Managing Director for each of the four regions, which includes Dewey and Johnson, as well as:
Charlie McElligott , who leads the Western Region from the Spokane, WA office; and
- Shawn Smeins, who leads the North Central Region from the Cedar Falls, IA office.
"Our talented staff – at all levels – is the backbone of RAF," said Ryan. "We can become the premier ag lender in the U.S. because each person is committed to meeting customers' needs and seeing our organization grow."