John Deere High-Speed Disks are available in widths ranging from 25 to 45 feet.

For farmers looking to manage residue after harvest or prepare the seedbed, the new lineup of High-Speed Disk offers improved residue flow, helping reduce plugging in tough tillage conditions such as high field moisture or high residue situations. An additional 4 inches was added between the disk and the finishing basket, providing better overall residue flow. By increasing the distance between disks and basket, the tool provides better residue flow from previous models, leading to even better field finish in high-residue conditions. This allows the tools to be pulled up to 14 mph, allowing more acres to be covered in less time in tight weather windows. 

The High-Speed Disks come autonomy ready in-base, helping farmers prepare for on-farm autonomy. The disk comes equipped from the factory with a receiver mast, harnessing, lighting package and TruSet.

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