IDM's MyAgData is a simple, independent, and cloud-based USDA and crop insurance data reporting solution that takes a grower’s operational boundaries or their precision ag “as applied and/or yield” data and makes it usable for reporting. The precision ag data can be captured from the field directly (controller files) or downstream from a Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) or cloud systems such as MyJohnDeere. This data is used to create map based acreage and production reports that meet the requirements needed by the USDA  Farm Programs and crop insurance.

Once a report is created the farmer has a permanent record of acreage and/or production that can be sent to their crop insurance agent and FSA County office to certify acres for participation in USDA Farm and crop insurance programs. Soon, with a simple mouse click, that reporting data will go electronically to the USDA Clearinghouse, the crop insurance company systems and the USDA FSA systems. These solutions can be directly integrated into other software, used by service provider groups or individuals or even processed directly by IDM. 

For more information, please visit