USDA is reporting the condition of U.S. corn and soybean crops remain essentially the same as the previous week, which is very good in both cases.

As of June 24, 77% of corn acres are rated “good” (58%) and “excellent” (19%). This is down only 1% from the previous week when 59% was rated as “good” and 19% as “excellent.” This compares with 67% (55% “good” and 12% “excellent”) a year ago on this date.

USDA says that 5% of corn is in the “silking” stage as of Sunday. This compares with the 5 year average of 3%.

Soybeans aren’t far behind corn conditions. As of June 24, 73% of the soybean crop is in “good” condition (58%) while 15% is rated as “excellent.” This represents no change from the previous week much better than the 66% that were rated as “good” (56%) and “excellent” (10%) a year ago.

USDA says 95% of soybeans have emerged vs. the 5 year average of 89%.

Overall, 12% of soybeans are “blooming,” which compares with 8% a week earlier and the 5 year average of 5%.