In this episode, brought to you by Osmundson, we’re introduced to Neil Dahlstrom, historian, author and manager of the John Deere Archives and History in East Moline, Illinois.
A life-long history aficionado, Neil has been working in the archives for nearly twenty years, finding fascination in how one man’s innovation with a steel plow could lead to the juggernaut company it is today.
Listen in as Neil explains how his curiosity for John Deere as a historical figure led to Neil authoring “ The John Deere Story : A Biography of Plowmakers John and Charles Deere” in which he explores the challenges and triumphs faced by John Deere and his fledgling company.
Farm Equipment‘s Deere Historical Perspective series is brought to you by Osmundson.
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Music: Ian Hubball - Armistice
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