Wayne Hunt, president of H&R Agri-Power, a 17 store Case IH dealership headquartered in Hopkinsville, Ky., discusses how through acquisitions the dealership accumulated a large amount of aged used inventory. By itemizing what each store had, the dealership was able to clear out all the aged inventory in just a few months.


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This interview is part of the Dealership Minds Video Series brought to you by Laforge.

Wayne Hunt

Leading the Charge

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Years with Organization: 30

Role: “Every company’s got to have a dreamer. I’m probably the biggest dreamer of the company. You can probably tell that just walking around here. I still track everything. As loose as I am on some things, I’m a perfectionist on others. I want it done and done right. Then, I like to see people grow. I like to see young people grow, particularly. Work ethic means a lot to me. If you have a good work ethic and a good attitude, then you’ve got great opportunities in this company. And I’m focused on customer satisfaction.”

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