Monthly Unit Sales: All 2WD Tractors

On a monthly basis, the Assn. of Equipment Manufacturers compiles and publishes the unit sales for 2WD (2 wheel drive) tractors. In this case, all tractors included in the 2WD category (including compact, mid-range and row-crop tractors) are counted for both U.S. and Canadian dealers. These tables show the monthly sales of 2WD tractors from 2004-present based on AEM data.

Date last updated: 1/24/2024


  North America Total U.S. Total
January 15,506 13,668
February 15,375 13,869
March 22,880 21,172
April 27,859 25,761
May 29,659 27,000
June 29,560 26,994
July 23,270 21,200
August 22,654 20,605
September 22,609 20,480
October 28,047 24,291
November 14,804  12,675 
December 20,873  18,715 


Access the 2WD Tractor Annual Unit Sales.

On a monthly basis, the Assn. of Equipment Manufacturers compiles and publishes the unit sales for 2WD (2 wheel drive) tractors. In this case, all tractors included in the 2WD category (including compact, mid-range and row-crop tractors) are counted for both U.S. and Canadian dealers. These tables show the monthly sales of 2WD tractors from 2004-present based on AEM data.

Date last updated: 1/13/2023


  North America Total U.S. Total
January 17,686 15,925
February 19,086 17,425
March 26,786 24,516
April 34,219 31,329
May 30,714 27,704
June 30,177 27,168
July 25,144 22,563
August 23,925 21,750
September 24,368 21,833
October  29,694 26,046
November 15,743  13,599
December 22,397 19,845


Access the 2WD Tractor Annual Unit Sales.

On a monthly basis, the Assn. of Equipment Manufacturers compiles and publishes the unit sales for 2WD (2 wheel drive) tractors. In this case…

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