Source: Linked 2 Leadership

In a Linked 2 Leadership article, Russ Fradin writes that informed employees are engaged employees and usually feel more confident and valued in their company. “As a result, they’re more likely to be loyal, spread positive cheer about your brand and feel more personally invested in the work they do,” Fradin says.

Fradin writes that when employees feel like they don’t know what’s going on in their company, for example company plans and goals, they are more likely to feel less connected to their companies. This can cut down on their sense of urgency, engagement and productivity.

To avoid this, leaders should turn an eye toward developing customer and employee relationships and stay away from a single-minded focus on cutting costs and boosting productivity.

The following are Fradin’s guidelines for creating more informed employees at your company:

1. Honesty is the best policy.

While a company culture of transparency is ideal, it can be difficult. Managers need to communicate with employees honestly and directly and explain why the company is pushing a certain initiative.

2. Consistency is key.

Communication is a two-way street. After managers offer regular updates on company news and goals, employees should be encouraged to ask questions and give options.

3. Make it fun and easy.

Consider using technology in motivation strategies to increase employee engagement through fun, easy games or videos relating to the company. Fradin suggests creating a fun video featuring executives from the company alongside short quiz questions as a replacement for compliance training.

4. Open your ears.

Give employees a platform to voice their opinions and ideas and they’ll be more likely to share and collaborate.